Hi My Dears,
My name is Zénaïde! I joined Roni’s facebook group in Autumn 2021, and oh my word, it was such a great decision! Not only did I gain clarity in my business and learn from talented members of the group, but I also gained self confidence. This led me to ask Roni to join her team and to work together! This month I am starting in the role of International Community Manager for Shine On And Glow.
For my first blog post, I have decided to interview Shine On And Glow’s founder, Roni McGuire, in case you stop by and you would like to learn more about the group and join our growing community!
Hi Roni, how are you doing? Did you have a nice holiday season?
Hi Zénaïde! Yes, I’m doing great, thank you!
I had a great end of the year. It was so nice to be surrounded by my family, my girlfriends, and also give love and gratitude to my clients; who are also friends!
I confirm that we definitely are friends, first and foremost. So can you introduce yourself a little bit? Especially for those who don’t know you, as I do!
I’m Roni, and I’m a mom to two kids of my own, as well as a step-mother of four!
I’m also a former Wall Street executive. I started as a coder and quickly rose to manage the development of investment management systems for Merrill Lynch, The American Stock Exchange, S&P, and The Vanguard Group.
Although I was able to achieve my corporate goals, I faced many challenges as a woman in a male-dominated workforce. I often experienced unequal treatment, but I persevered and rose to the top. Now I combine my business knowledge with my powerful intuitive gifts, helping other female leaders and entrepreneurs navigate their careers and build successful businesses.
I was wondering why you decided to create this space on the internet, knowing that some of the members are or have been your clients already?
There are a few reasons Zénaïde.
One, as I spent more time with my clients and got to know them, I started feeling they would really like to meet each other. (I think you have had that experience!)
Two, entrepreneurship and leadership can be very lonely. This facebook community is a place where you can find support on your journey, hold each other accountable, and feel like you are part of a community that understands your struggles.
Third, I envisioned creating a community where I can offer free coaching, support, and accountability for my current and future clients.
What I like about your coaching method is your kindness. You don’t force anything. Where does this approach come from?
My clients are multi-passionate and gifted. They often come to me overwhelmed and feeling stuck. Sometimes they’ve lost confidence in themselves. It is my job to hold space for them, and help them discover where their passions and gifts best serve their lives and businesses. I help my clients remember who they are.
I’ve been in their shoes, and I know what it requires to stop overthinking, gain clarity, and create a plan. I give my clients the patience and understanding I would want for myself. Before coaching, I always ask myself . “How can I serve?”
Do you teach your Motifesting™ Method in the Facebook Group?
Yes I do! Motifesting™ is: Getting Motivated, Imagining what you want, Focusing, and Taking action to manifest it.
I start every month sharing the Shine On And Glow planner which gives a Motifesting™ tip and journal prompts to support the manifestation process.
I go live in the Facebook group to discuss manifestation, business strategies, and mindset struggles. We cover it all.
In the next year I plan to intentionally grow the group, add more content, and host some exciting guests! Of course we will make room for lots of fun too!

As I said above, I’m a member of the group and I love a lot of the members who are incredible and seem very authentic, trustful, and are from diverse backgrounds. I was wondering, what do we all have in common?
You all want to make an impact on the world. This is what I love about you all, because you are generous people, who lead from the heart. Whenever someone asks for help or support, everyone says “Yes, I’m in!”
Now, let’s get practical, there is a theme for each day, right? What are the main post topics and how frequently do you post?
Yes, there are themes for each week, and we are working to create a consistent calendar you will love. So please answer the polls when you see them!
These are the themes for each day:
- Every Monday, is Motifesting™ Monday, meaning that we share our goals for the week, promote ourselves, and support each other! It’s a great way to start the week with good vibes :).
- Every other Tuesday is dedicated to business tips and strategies!
- Wednesdays we celebrate our wins and welcome new members.
- Thursday is dedicated to my thoughts on business, but also in life in general. As “solopreneurs,” we have thoughts, ideas, and views on life we want to share. Sharing is important because we want members to feel like we’re not alone in this journey; we all have the similar doubts, fears, desires, and expectations
- Friday is clearly dedicated to FUN! Because TGIF, right! We all need to relax and have a little fun sometimes!