The importance of having a clear Vision

The reason why you and I might  start working on a vision board is mainly to make a dream come true, which is exciting but also can be quite overwhelming at times. 

Your big vision is your dream, and we all are able to see and envision our big dreams, right?!

However, sometimes the path to achieve it, maintaining the clarity of your goals, and knowing the steps you need to take to achieve them need to be guided. 

This is what I did, when I took the Vision Board Workshop with Roni and other Ladies from the Shine on and Glow community.

The Vision Board Workshop Group at Shine on and Glow:

It was at the time of the pandemic, so everything was online. However when I stepped in the zoom meeting from Belgium with all the Ladies from around the world I felt already part of the group. 

We all had unique dreams and goals. We were so diverse in many ways, which was so great because it just showed that all of us had our own voice and our own path to success.

What We Did In The Workshop:

We journaled, spoke together and chose images to put our dreams on paper (or on the screen). But there was one part that really blew my mind: that was the meditation part. 

Let me explain, first and foremost I don’t do meditation in the strictest sense. I run, I photograph, I swim,… all those physical and creative activities put me in the zone where nothing around me exists.

But I do not meditate. 

So when Roni started the meditation part, I had a ‘clear vision’ in mind about my dreams. 

And then the meditation process started. The meditation guided us in such a way that I literally saw myself 10 years later but doing things in a completely different way; this scared me and annoyed me because it was against all my beliefs. Then, Roni asked us to journal and write down all our feelings and all about our visions that bubbled up. It brought tears to my eyes, and I felt excited about my new vision. Next we started to create our vision boards. 

Which I did. 

 My thoughts on the workshop:

Today I would say that the ‘clear vision’ I thought I had in mind was not me, in the sense that it was the vision of the ‘Shy Zénaïde’. The vision board I created with Roni was the one I needed for a fulfilling life, which I am living at the moment, because a couple of months after the vision board workshop I asked Roni to work together. 

I will soon take another class to redefine the path to accomplish my goals and also to get the pleasure to envision myself in a decade and see where Zénaïde, I, will be. 

With all my heart, Zénaïde

    Join The Next Vision Board Workshop on

    November 15, 2022 at 11 am PST -Live with Roni